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Sunday, August 22, 2010

My camera brought joy to simple folks

A camera is a novelty here in Gulu...... at least among the people I encounter.  I am sure they have seen those video or bulky still cameras on the sling of some occasional media people  - but the difference is seeing themselves in that little screen or in print.

Whenever I ask permission to take a photo, it is not surprising for someone who overhears me to say "take mine",  and instantaneously pose. 

I wish someone could capture the moments whenever I show the subjects how they look on camera.  There is an abundance of overjoy, and in return I would promise to give them a printed copy.  

There are 3 shops here that will print pictures from CD or flash drive.  The cost is 1,000 Ugandan shillings per picture, or 2,000 Ugs per page when printed on ordinary bond, or 2,300 on card paper, or 3,500 on photo paper, regardless of the number of pictures on each page.  

Given my allowance, I managed to have some pictures printed.   I would not mind giving up the occasional Coca-Cola (that costs 1,000 Ugs a bottle) in return for the profuse and lengthy handshake and sincere "apowoyo" - meaning thank you.  I could not disappoint those folks especially when they remind me about their copy.

My happiness too is profound because I gave up something for it.

The thing that brings this joy is this little 3 1/2 inches long and 2 inches wide invention - my IXUS Canon camera.  This was actually a hand-me-down from my family because they have recently upgraded to a Nikkon, and a Panasonic.  I hope that they will derive the same pleasure as I do with my now low-end camera.  

There are still a lot of pictures to be printed, and many more Cokes to be foregone.


  1. These pictures are so precious. In a sense, they are the living past, fast coming into the present through the profound technology of light and colors contained in a little box. The whole process is powered by sincere mutual regard and growing love.Yes, someone should capture the moments, or we may do so with our imagination, which we can, each time you reflect back to your new friends their own image and beauty.

  2. Nice pictures mamai! I'm glad you're enjoying your stay there. We miss you a lot though. Take care! We love you :) - yori
