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Monday, July 1, 2013

On being a student - once more

My school
Volunteering has given me a new sense of perspective in life.  This comes at a time when in the conduct of my life's inventory, I noticed that my biggest asset now is PERSONAL TIME.  Isn't this an opportunity to seek another dimension to a more meaningful last 1/3 of my life?
Aristotle contemplating the bust of Homer (google images)
Well, I got myself again into a road less travelled by people of my age  (see  I went back to school and enrolled in Philosophy 101  - Philosophy of the Human Person.  At the onset, there are already signs that this would be another life-enriching experience.

My adviser in this back-to-school project was my son, Yori.  First, I chose the subject based on the course description, then short-listed the professors by referring to the students' blog.  The blog contains comments on the strengths and weaknesses of each professor.  Next important factor was the class schedule.  With this information on hand,  I was ready to enroll.
My classroom - donated by the bank I joined 30 years ago.
This time, our roles were reversed.  It seems not too long ago when I would take a day-off at work to enroll my children and bring them to their classrooms on the first day in school.  Now, it was Yori queuing for his mom, leading his mom by the hand to find her classroom so she knows where to go on the first day, giving his mom a tour of the campus (library, cafeteria, bookstore, chapel, etc), so she will easily find her way.
Smocket, short for smokers' pocket garden
For a senior citizen like me, being in a school campus these days is like being in a different planet.  It was a shocker to see female students  attending classes in very short pants or very revealing tops.  Well, I understand that the strictest dressing code is not on the dress but on footwear.  Sandals or slippers without ankle straps are prohibited.  I was not surprised when a mom told me that she even asked her son why he goes to school in a get-up that looks like he just got up from bed.
A stroll not in the park, but to the classroom
When I got home from my first day in school, it was my son's turn to ask 
"How was your first day in school, Mom?"
My classmates, awaiting seating arrangements