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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Royal wedding and the African brides

What a beautiful sight
Uganda was a British protectorate from 1894 to 1962.  Queen Elizabeth last visited Uganda in
2007.  On 29 April 2011, the world witnessed the
The newly wed royals
spectacular wedding of Prince William, an heir to the British throne. I watched the wedding on BBC news in my Mac and I took the picture here from my computer monitor.  But
No balcony kiss to watch
Here comes the bride
and the noisemakers
I was able to watch an equally spectacular wedding at the Holy Rosary parish. The church offered a mass wedding to celebrate 100 years of faith in Gulu.  There were around 12
Fr Gino, Italian
couples who exchanged I dos under the sweltering midday sun.  It was very colorful and festive.  When it was the
Ready for the march
Sword formation
Fr Domingos, Portuguese
couples' turn to approach the officiating priest, their village mates will surround them and sound those bird calls. There was not much ground for a bridal march, but the last couple was pretty lucky because there was more space now between them and the priest.  It was either pure luck or some strings were pulled because the bridegroom was a military official, so he and his bride  had all the works.... bridal march, and a band to accompany the march.  There was even a sword formation.  The Comboni missionaries seemed very happy at the turn-out.  Fr. Domingos delivered the homily in Acholi language. He did not grope for words yet it lasted for 30 minutes.  After 4 hours in the sun, I was sun stroked and dehydrated.

I was not, of course, invited to any of the receptions.  But I cannot express enough the joy of witnessing how locals celebrate a grand occasion. 
The drummer girl

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