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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The hand that rocks the cradle........

Women in a quarry
Promoting gender equality and empowering women is goal no. 3 of the MDG.  This goal is strongly pursued in this part of Africa. 
Mobile hammock?
In one of our volunteer training courses on the subject, a video was played where in the household, mother and young daughter were doing all the
household chores, while the father and young son were sitting in front of a television set, or were first served
meals before mother and daughter could eat what was left.
Women sit on the floor
Kitchen chores are a woman's job here, even for working wives with some household help.  In offices, women are tolerated to be late for work or to leave work briefly because they have to prepare meals at home.  I have no personal knowledge of what goes on inside the household here as there could be exceptions.   But someone told me that to let a Ugandan or a Kenyan man share work in the kitchen is a cultural taboo.
Some statistics were published that in the primary education level the number of boys and girls who attend school is initially equal.  As they reach the age of puberty, the number of girls in school dwindles. 
Reasons cited were that the girls are given more and more work, or the parents are afraid for their safety.  Another conjecture is that the young girls feel embarrassed to go to school during their monthly periods as the modern type of sanitary protection is just not affordable.

It is not common to see men with head cargoes.  In some villages, seats are reserved for men.
Hopefully, gender equality will be a perfect balance. 

1 comment:

  1. For gender equality - Two thumbs up! :)
    As to head cargoes in ladies - tsk.tsk.tsk.. :(
